
Letter Days

During a time of stay-at-home orders and lockdowns, one South African
3-year-old and his mom are hitting up every letter from A to Z.

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Z day

Zoom painting. Zoo. Zephyrosaurus. parking Zone. Zebra cake. Zzzz. Z day took us some time to complete, but we got there in the end. A never-ending lockdown meant extra days to fill with Z-activities. Zoom painting. This time around, we ended up with lots of footprints! It was way more fun to use hands and…

Y day

tie-dYe. dino familY. Yard ferrY. haY and honeYbees.

X day

Xtraordinary marshmallows to XOXO Sami. X-braai wood. Xpert bug rescue. X marks the spot.

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